{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "LayerToKML_Priorizacao", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This tool converts a feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of Esri geometries and symbology. This file is compressed using ZIP compression, has a .kmz extension, and can be read by any KML ... (see Description)", "description": "This tool converts a feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of Esri geometries and symbology. This file is compressed using ZIP compression, has a .kmz extension, and can be read by any KML client including ArcGIS Earth, ArcGlobe, and Google Earth.", "summary": "This tool converts a feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of Esri geometries and symbology. This file is compressed using ZIP compression, has a .kmz extension, and can be read by any KML ... (see Description)", "title": "Plano das Bacias PCJ 2010-2020", "tags": [ "Change", "Convert", "Export", "Feature", "Format", "Geometry", "Google", "Google Earth", "Import", "Keyhole", "Kml", "Kmz", "Language", "Make", "Markup", "Symbology", "Turn", "Xml", "Memory" ], "type": "Geoprocessing Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Tool", "Service", "Geoprocessing Service", "Web Tool", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "https://mapas.agenciapcj.org.br/arcgis/services/Planos/LayerToKML_Priorizacao/GPServer", "extent": [ [ 133326.851630032, 7401432.56702999 ], [ 428132.79272606, 7566451.39140427 ] ], "spatialReference": "SIRGAS_2000_UTM_Zone_23S", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }